Ohio Sports Time

Ohio Sports Time - Ohio sports news and opinions for college and professional sports teams in Ohio. Our mission is to discuss major sports happenings across the state of Ohio. We cover teams like the Cleveland Guardians, Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Cavaliers, and Ohio colleges like the Ohio State Buckeyes, Cincinnati Bearcats, all 6 Ohio MAC schools and more. Basically if it's a sport and it's happening in Ohio, Ohio Sports Time is the place to discuss it.

Monday, February 19, 2007

MAC Football Recruiting Analysis Released by VanDelay Sports

Cleveland, Ohio - Since the late 1990’s, VanDelay Sports has been bringing Mid-American Conference football fans something they could rarely find elsewhere; in-depth coverage of MAC football teams. Before the main-stream media caught on the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of alumni and fans of MAC schools scattered across the USA, Nick Gerogosian began VanDelaySports.com. With the intention of giving MAC football programs some of the additional exposure they so sorely deserve, Gerogosian also began his annual MAC Football Recruiting Report. Released each February after MAC football recruiting classes are announced, the VanDelay Sports recruiting report has quite a strong following. “While our traffic is strong all-year round, the MAC recruiting report drives some of the highest traffic numbers to our site,” said Gerogosian.

The 2007 edition of the VanDelay Sports MAC Football Recruiting Report features an in-depth look at each team’s 2007 recruiting class breaking the classes down by position. Gerogosian also lists his top recruits for each team and the top recruits throughout the conference. His data is gathered from a number of sources including both large and small recruiting sources, school media departments, and from his own experience as a high school referee.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ohio teams finish 7-2 in Bracket Buster games

The 6 MAC basketball teams from Ohio along with the 3 members of the Horizon League faced Bracket Buster match-ups over the weekend finishing 7-2 in the 9 games. Probably the biggest name in all of these games featured Kent State @ George Mason. The game pitted last year’s Final Four member George Mason against the MAC’s most consistent basketball program and recent Elite 8 member Kent State. Overall the MAC basketball teams from went 4-2 while Ohio’s Horizon League members finished 3-0 to prove once again the strength of Ohio basketball. Here’s a rundown of the final scores from Ohio basketball teams this weekend.
  • Miami defeated Indiana State, 70-58.
  • Ohio fell @ NMSU, 77-72.
  • BG won @ Morehead State, 90-72.
  • Akron won at home over Austin Peay 74-57.
  • Kent State won @ George Mason by a score of 68-62.
  • Toledo fell at home to Old Dominion, 73-70.
  • YSU defeated EKU 66-61
  • Wright State defeated Cal State Fullerton 77-62
  • Cleveland State 85 - Cal State Northridge 76

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Rating the Super Bowl XLI Commercials

Ohio Sports Time weighs in on the Super Bowl XLI Commercials that we felt were memorable. While a 30-second spot during the 2007 Super Bowl commercials cost advertisers upwards of $2.6 million, viewers were exposed to an array of different commercials. Below are a few of the commercials that we liked and disliked, rated in football terminology.

• Blockbuster - Animated animals “clicking” the mouse

30-yard pass
• Budweiser - Axe hitchhiker

First Down
• Nationwide - Kevin Federline “Life Comes at you Fast”
• Sierra Mist - Comb-over beard
• eTrade Savings - bank holding up it’s customers
• NFL – Brett Favre “it’s hard to say goodbye”

No Gain
• All Career Builder “survive the workweek” commercials

• All Coke commercials

Interception returned for a TD
• Chevrolet - Naked men washing car